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Elizabeth A. Klonoff Diversifying Clinical Psychology Poster Awards

A $500 award presented to top posters as ranked by the judges

2024 Winners

Miguel Castano

Title: Examining Protective Factors Against Racial Trauma Among BIPOC College Students

Authors: Miguel Angelo Castano, Richard Chang, Gloria Wong-Padoongpatt

Sarai Garcia

Title: Effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on affective ratings modulated by trauma in PTSD and trauma-exposed depression

Authors:  Sarai Garcia, BA, BS; D. Oathes, PhD; R. Duprat, PhD; A. Figueroa-Gonzalez; C. Blaine; J. Grier

Eugenia Gonzalez

Title:  TBD

Authors: TBD

MeKayla Smith

Title:  TBD

Authors: TBD

Anita Thomas

Title:  Examination into the Moderating Effects of Resilience Capacity on the Relationship Between Interpersonal Trauma and Self-Medication in Black College Students.

Authors:  Thomas, A.S., Richardson, N.S., Deoliveira, M.G., Hawn, S.E. 

Mirian Vasquez

Title: Discrimination in Latinxs with First Episode Psychosis and its Effects on Symptomology

Authors: Mirian Liseth Vasquez, B.A., Vanessa Calderon, Ph.D., MPH, Carmen Uribe, B.A., and Steven R. Lopez, Ph.D.

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