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Diversifying Clinical Psychology

CUDCP is pleased to host an annual Diversifying Clinical Psychology Networking Program.

DCP represents an opportunity for participants to interact with, and learn from, our wonderful current grad student coordinators and a small group of DCT volunteers. Participants learn how to present posters, have their CVs reviewed, learn about careers in clinical psychology, and how to put together a compelling graduate school application. 

There is also a poster session, a Networking Session where students and DCTs interact informally, and lastly, the award ceremony for the winners of the poster competition.

The 2024 DCP conference included more than 200 undergrad and post-bac students with identities that are under-represented in clinical psychology. 35 participants submitted abstracts for posters they presented. 

It is an excellent opportunity for students from underrepresented backgrounds to network with directors of CUDCP programs, as well as present a research poster and attend professional development workshops.

Flyer for Diversifying Clinical Psychology Conference


CUDCP is pleased to present the Elizabeth A. Klonoff Diversifying Clinical Psychology Poster Award for outstanding student poster presentations as well as the Martha Bernal Award for the Advancement of Diversity Training and Education in Clinical Psychology to recognize a current or previous DCT who has made a significant diversity-related contribution with regard to education and training in clinical psychology.

Follow our Diversifying Clinical Psychology Facebook page for the latest information 

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